Subject: The story NOBODY is telling
Ever get angry?

Not at your wife, friends, children or state’s congressman..

But enraged that NO ONE in the internet marketing universe seems to tell the truth.

They show income.

They tell you to buy their method.  

They smile in their sale letters. 

But does anything they ever push on you work? 

Truth be told, there’s a missing X-factor in the courses we buy from “gurus”. 

For all the modules and “money making” information they bestow upon us...there’s always that ONE crucial element that does the ACTUAL money-getting--and it’s selfishly hidden from us.

No, the way people make money is VASTLY different than the way they show us.

It’s a problem my friend and internet marketer Shahin noticed early on.

Shahin recently stumbled upon a method that earns him $200 per hour--without any of the nonsense you hear in these courses.

In fact, Shahin didn’t take a single course to learn this.

He doesn’t rely on building a big list...begging affiliates to promote him...and doesn’t even have a website for this method.

It took him all less than a week to set up, and he’s sharing it with you here.


Subject: Is internet marketing rigged?
You know about casinos right? 

The house always wins.

(My recent shakedown at Vegas proves that)

The game is totally rigged.

Made to give you hope, a few bucks at first, and finally a welcome trip to homeless paradise (a.k.a the side of the road)

With internet marketing, it’s much the same.

Fancy gurus show you their fancy cars along with their fancy (and rented) girls. 

They smother you with hope to sell you a course.

When you buy it, and open it up...it’s like the shot of a fake revolver that lets out a flag that says “Bang”. 

Nothing inside the course but more fluff and smooth talk by the “guru”. 

My friend Shahin noticed this early on.

He was tired of watching swindlers dressed like gurus fabricate lies to sell you more courses.

That’s why he put out the Awakening.

He needed to open people's minds to this rude and unjust practice of internet marketers. 

His method is a swift response to the scam that’s perpetrated in this industry...and the one system that finally lifts the curtain on how money is actually made online.

Read all about it here.

Subject: In 5 years internet marketing is dead
That is, if you’re doing it the wrong way.

Most people tell you to..

- Build a guru-sized list

- Create affiliate review sites

- Build websites and blog all day long

- Start an Amazon FBA business

- Beg affiliates to promote your products

ARGH! these people don’t get it..

Most of this stuff is time-consuming. It takes too long and the returns are dismal.

Not to mention, many won’t stand the test of time... 

Methods that work today will be like water vapor in the wind tomorrow.

They’ll vanish without a trace...and the $10K per month you were making this month will be swiped from under your feet.

That’s why the Awakening is so effective.

It’s designed to give you the quickest returns possible...without ever going away. (in fact, it’ll probably get even BETTER in the years to come)

It’s time-proof. Recession-Proof. And it’s sure to piss self-serving gurus right off.

You can learn about it right here.


Subject: Affiliate marketing's BIGGEST flaw
Simply put: It’s freaking complicated!

At least, the way it’s explained by money-grubbers (a.k.a. IM gurus) 

Most methods tell you to build a website and start writing product reviews in the hope that people land on your page.

Uhh..No thanks. 

Next they instruct you to go out there and lose your shirt by spending your kids’ college fund on paid ads. 

Yeah...I’m cool on that.

But even worse, they tell you to build a massive following so you can one day sell to them.

(Hello! I’d prefer to make money today--not when robots rule the earth) 


These rumors spread worse than germs. 

Well here’s some anti-bacterial to help combat these infections lies--The Awakening.

It’s one man’s detailed approach to building long-term wealth online--without a website, big email list, or massive social media following.

It’s all over-the-shoulder footage that shatters every common belief you learned about earning BIG commissions online. 

So stop wasting time with methods that hold you back and start Awakening now. 


Subject: [URGENT] Become a member of the chosen few today
Today is the last day for the early bird price of The Awakening.

If you’re tired of being insulted by the claims and promises of big “gurus”...

If you’re confused about what method to choose…

If you needed money yesterday and haven’t got a strategy in place…

Then I urge you to grab The Awakening.

This is the one true system that will show you how to earn big commissions and sales from a small group of hungry people.

You don’t have to look very far to find these people either (they probably stare you in the face every day). 

Plus, nothing is left to guesswork…

You’ll be guided through the exact process of setting it up, and having it earn you life-changing income from the moment you “flip the switch”. 

As a member, you’ll be part of an elite few who understand how true money is made online.

It’s unlike every other method out there--but it takes a fast-acting (and open-minded) person to benefit from it.

Will that be you?

I hope so. 

Access The Awakening here and get ready for the most enlightening--and profitable--journey of your life.


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